Care Bed Robotics

Neevkumar Hareshbai Manavar
Research Theme
Application area: Digital Health

Project Aim: Aim of this project is to predict contact pressure of a patient lying on an intensive care bed from multiple sensor input using ML (Machine Learning) / DL (Deep Learning) model.

Setup: The setup comprises four sensors: the Intel RealSense D435i camera module, which includes both a depth camera and an RGB (Red-Blue-Green) camera, IR (Infra Red) Camera, and the Xsensor Pro pressure mate. The Intel RealSense camera and IR camera are positioned on the rooftop, while the Xsensor Pro pressure mate is placed on top of the intensive care bed (Sicuro Pesa, Joh. Stiegelmeyer & Co. GmbH).

Methods: Data will be collected using mentioned setup from various subject groups, encompassing individuals across different age ranges, including young, adults, and elderly people including male and female sex orientations. This diverse subject selection aims to capture a comprehensive range of data and enable scientific analysis across various populations.

Pressure profile collected using pressure mate will be ground truth for our data and depth, RGB, and IR data will be input data to our algorithm. Project will consist Deep Learning architecture to predict contact pressure of patient/healthy control lying on a bed. Furthermore, project will aims to include physical plausibility and model adaptation over time.